Many people are very particular about writing in English. They want to ensure that they will follow grammar rules. Being adept in speaking and writing English is considered an advantage, especially for people who would like to go further in their career.
People do not realize that they use conjunctions a lot. Conjunctions are essential, and you use them whenever you speak English. The excellent conjunction finder tool can help you how to determine conjunction when browsing through different sentences.
What the Conjunction in a Sentence
Conjunction is a part of speech that will be used to connect different words. For example, if you want to connect two different phrases, you need to use a conjunction to do that.
The different types of conjunctions are:
- Subordinating Conjunctions
- Coordinating Conjunctions
- Correlative Conjunctions

Coordinating Conjunctions
Coordinating conjunctions will join two or more sentences. They can also connect words and phrases that are similar. To make it easier for you to remember the conjunctions under this category, you can memorize the acronym FANBOY. This acronym would stand for: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, and So.
Some conjunction examples sentence are the following:
- I bought new shoes for an upcoming wedding.
- He loves Batman and Superman.
- Neither Meg nor Alice attended Todd’s birthday party.
One rule that you should remember is coordinating conjunctions cannot be used at the beginning of sentences.
Subordinating Conjunctions
Some would refer to subordinating conjunctions as “dependent words.” They will be linking the dependent clause with an independent clause. An independent clause will already have a complete thought. It does not need anything else to complete the sentence.
One example of an independent clause is: “Maria arrived late at her wedding.”
A dependent clause does not have a complete thought. What it will do is it would provide more information to the independent clause. If you see a dependent clause, you may not understand what it refers to unless you see the independent clause.
One example of a dependent clause is: “because she got stuck in traffic.”
If you would add these two clauses together, you will get this sentence: “Maria arrived late at her wedding because she got stuck in traffic.”
Take note that some examples of subordinating conjunctions are: as, if, only, until, and so much more.
Correlative Conjunctions
You can already guess what correlative conjunctions need to be from the name itself. They need to come in pairs to connect phrases or words. You need to use these two words to make a sentence work. The sentence will be incomplete if you would only use one.
Some examples are the following:
- You can use the car or ride a bus to get to the place.
- Whether you use the car or not, you will arrive there anyway.
- She loves using the car not only because it is easier but also because it’s faster.
What Is a Conjunctive Adverb?
The conjunctive adverb will behave the same way that conjunction will behave. The only difference is that this is an adverb. This will connect two independent clauses so that a sentence will be formed.
The difference between a conjunctive adverb with subordinating conjunction is each clause will have a clear thought. Even if these two clauses are not placed together, you will still understand what it is trying to say.
What conjunctive adverbs can do is to make sure that the thought will be smooth from one independent clause to the next clause. People will understand and comprehend what the text is trying to say.
Some examples of the use of conjunctive adverbs are the following:
- You need to train hard for the swim meet; otherwise, you may not be able to show off your skills.
- Mary was determined to reach the top of Mt. Everest; Nevertheless, she had to stop because she got injured.
- I need to go to the pet store to purchase some supplies. In addition to that, I also have to pass by the wet market to purchase some meat.
Why You Need Conjunction Checker
You may need to identify all of the sentence with conjunction that you have written. For example, you would need to lessen the use of certain conjunctions. This tool will make it easier to determine which ones you need to remove. If you have used some conjunctions wrong, you will also be given information on how to do it.
This is also easy to use. Unlike other parts of speech identifier tools that you need to download and require a lot of space, you simply need to go to the website. Make sure to copy and paste your document on the text box. The text will be analyzed immediately — the faster you get results, the faster you can submit your document:
- Identify the conjunctions that you want to change or remove.
- Determine if you are using the right conjunctions to connect different sentences or clauses.
- Know the type of conjunctions that you are working with.
- You do not need to be into tech to understand how this works.
- You will be given the number of conjunctions found in your text.

Our subordinating conjunctions finder is one of the most versatile editing and proofreading tools currently available on the market. On top of offering multiple features and functionalities, it is compatible with all writing genres, making it ideal for anyone operating in the written word.
Below are categories of people that can use the conjunctions finder, plus the features they will benefit most from.
Students. On top of identifying conjunction-related errors, the subordinating conjunctions finder can help students flag and correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors in their academic papers and college entrance applications.
Teachers. Most teachers are constantly sending out written instructions, answering emails, and providing feedback to students, among other things. As a teacher, you can use the checker to identify mistakes in both offline and online documents. It also features an automated grader, which helps evaluate and grade students’ essays and other academic papers.
Journalists and bloggers. Many journalists and professional writers use the subordinating conjunctions checker before forwarding their work to the editors or publishing it. It automatically highlights all the mistakes and provides real-time feedback, allowing both the writers and editors to concentrate on other important aspects of writing such as research and writing.
Professionals. Our tool can also be used by professionals to provide expert assistance on the impact, credibility, and accuracy of their writing. Whether it’s an email, marketing proposal, or even a social media post, you can always count on the subordinating conjunctions finder to act as a safe, extra pair of eyes.
Other uses. Our free conjunction finder can be an equally potent tool for English language learners and non-native English-speaking job seekers. The former can use it to improve their grammar, with the latter using it to correct grammar-related mistakes in their typed documents.
Most Common Conjunction Mistakes
Some conjunction mistakes are made by people a lot. For example, a lot of people use that followed by a clause. Another common mistake is people use two clauses to connect different sentences. Remember that only one conjunction is needed to connect two clauses or sentences. This tool also acts as other parts of speech finder, verb, noun, interjection finder, etc.
When starting a sentence with a negative expression, you need to use an inverted word order. The auxiliary verb will become inverted. If these mistakes are still confusing for you, it is time to try the right conjunctions finder. You will get a list of all the available conjunctions in your document. Such mistakes are easily fixed with preposition and conjunction finder.